18 Jun 2015

Recipe: Caramel Pudding

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Assalamualaikum Hye semua, perasan tak kenapa 2 3 hari ni Wawa rajin sangat nak berblogging ni kan. Hahaha, Well actually bukan apa. Sebab before ni asyik busy je kan. Ni lah masanya nak have fun depan lappy. Blogwalking and all. okay, points of nak menulis hari ni adalah disebabkan...

16 Jun 2015

What I've been waiting for..

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Assalamualaikum. Guys, we're going to enter a month full of barakah. Yes, RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK! So, hopefully everyone is fully ready and well prepared. If you ask me what are my preparations? I'll say that I am not going to change 360 degree but I wanna try to be a better...

14 Jun 2015

Saya Pelajar KMP! Part 2

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Assalamualaikum. Yes, it's been a while I havent post anything rite. Hmm, well actually bukan taknak. It was just you know lack of time nak bukak laptop and typing all day long since we got smart phone kan nowadays. I tak suka taip panjang panjang kat phone fyi. So, yea currently...