Assalamualaikum. First entry in 2014. First of all, Wawa nak wish Happy New Year. Sorry sebab dah lambat sangat. Got so many works to be done. Tapi whatever it is, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! Betul tak. For those yang sambut birthday from first of Jan till today, Happy Birthday!
And for today, I would like to talk about school. Do you have any idea how I miss the school. I missed my teachers, class and most important, I missed my friends. Betul lah orang cakap zaman persekolahan is the best, a part which lot of memorable moments happened. If only I could tell the world. How lifeless I am sebab dah tak sekolah. Macam dah takde target dalam hidup. Sebelum ni, ada exams and vital exams such as UPSR, PMR and SPM. So, kita ada matlamat dalam hidup. Ada motif why we come to school everyday. But now, I have no idea what I am doing. Yes, I'm working but it is just a medium for me untuk menghilangkan kebosanan. Yelah kan, instead duduk kat rumah doing nothing ternak lemak, baik kerja. Ada juga faedahnya. Dapat income lagi.
So, today Wawa nak tujukan entry ni for those yang masih bergelar pelajar sekolah. Please, appreciate every single moments in school sebab kalau awak kehilangan satu saat, you'll loss. One day, you'll look back and say 'I missed every things in school'. Trust me! I'm not joking. Hell no. Ni bukan maharaja lawak mega k. This is the reality. The real situations you'll face in few more months for batch 97 and maybe few more years for the rest.
Because I'm facing it. Right now, mula lah rasa macam nak pergi sekolah. Rasa rindu nak buat latihan add math, rindu nak belajar bio, chemist, physic, math, english, pai, bm, sej all that. Rindu nak rasa kebulur apa semua. Yes, RINDU! A word which hardly can explain my feelings to few who do feel the same.
Dulu before SPM, rasa macam bila lah nak habis SPM ni. Tak sabar dah aku nak rasa kebebasan. The 'real freedom'. Konon! Serious because now I hate this 'freedom'. Bonda Norhana is damn right. Few minutes before I'm gonna sit for Physic Paper 1. I asked her....
Me: Cikgu, risau lah.
Bonda Norhana: Buat apa nak risau. Semua awak dah ada. Nak risau bukan sekarang. Lepas habis SPM nanti. Masa tu perlu risau. Risau tak tahu nak buat apa. At that time, mula lah sibuk nak datang sekolah.
Thought of mine: Yeke, lepas SPM dah tak stress. What for nak risau?
But the fact is, MEMANG RISAU!!!!!! I'm worried about my results. TOTALLY!
A 'gift' form cikgu physic. |
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I missed them |
Thank you for reading this entry. I hope, you'll get something.
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