10 Jan 2013

Dear, Ibu

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Hello guys and yes as usual Assalamualaikum. What the date is today? Tell me, hurry! Okay, as uolls know, hari ni 11th January. What is so special about 11th January? Hmm, instead of birthday Dato' Siti Nurhaliza, today is my mother's birthday. Yes, she was born on 11th of January...

3 Jan 2013

Honeymoon vs Honeystar

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Ouh hyeeee uolls. Eh, lupa. Assalamualaikum. So, macam mana sekolah? Okay? For those yang dah tak sekolah, how's life? Wawa hope semuanya okay. Regarding to the title above, what do you assume? Hahaha! Actually, masa first day sekolah lagi, almost all the teachers bising cakap You're...